
  • 5 days ago
  • Joined Jan 17, 2023
  • Casro1709 Thanks for sharing your experience so far!

    I dove in yesterday, and so far no issues. I did some tests in a new project and then converted a 4.2 project directly into 4.4. I did have to reassign a few Spine atlases, but I'm not sure if that's because of the conversion or not. All my Spine stuff is working in the project, at least for now... including layered animations, and some procedural animation using SpineBoneNode.

  • Came to the forum to see if anyone has specific knowledge or experience regarding this specific combination. Got a useless bot telling me the general information I already know. If I pat the bot on the head will it go away?

  • I'm restarting a project today, and thought I'd test out the latest spine-godot GDExtension (labeled for 4.3) in 4.4 just to see if it works. As far as I can tell so far... it does. Skeletons and animations are working like normal. Does anyone know of a reason I shouldn't move forward with this combo? Am I setting myself up to potentially hit some brick wall of incompatibility down the road?

  • Mario I won't get a chance to test it out for a couple days... but I want to say THANK YOU now before I forget! 🙌

  • Just dropping by to confirm that this is in progress... and to cheer you on!

    It looks like the only thing not working yet is the Android template. Is the editor itself available for download somewhere, or do I need to just put on my Patience Hat and wait for it all to be released together? (I'm not developing for Android.)

    Thanks for all that you folks do to make my game animations better!

  • Misaki Thanks, that thread does give me some clarity on why the rotation works the way it does, and how I should move forward. I love the track mixing features and if writing more code is the price I have to pay to make them work in my project, it will be worth it many times over. Cheers!

  • I've noticed that when a bone rotates within a single animation, it does distinguish between a rotation position of 360° vs. 0° or -360°. I've read that this wasn't always the case with Spine... it used to treat those numbers the same, and take the shortest path, making a rotation of more than 180° impossible without adding keys. I appreciate the new approach.

    However when I blend between animations (whether in Spine or at runtime) the bones revert to the old approach and can rotate in the wrong direction. Am I correct in understanding that this is just a limitation of Spine? It would be extremely helpful-- at least in my project-- if the rotation principles were consistent whether playing a single animation or blending them.

    I can avoid the undesirable behavior in my project by writing a bunch of code specific for my use case. It just seems like a backwards way of doing it if there's any way to alter the rotation behavior via Spine. Is there a simpler solution I've overlooked, or do I just need to get to work on some extra code?

    (I'm using Unity if it matters. I haven't posted this in the Unity forum because the results are the same in the Spine editor so I don't think it's a runtime-specific question.)

    Please and thank you for any guidance.

    • Thank you for the last tip. That did clear up my Visual Studio issue and saved me from learning a new IDE.

    • I just deleted my last reply, as I have now resolved the issue thanks to your reply. Installing the Runtime using the Package Manager did the trick.

      I wasn't sure how to fully remove the Runtime that hadn't been installed with Package Manager. I just started a new project, installed all my packages including Spine Runtime, and then transferred my assets and scenes to the new project. It builds fine now!

      I am loving Spine Pro and appreciate you helping out a slow-brained newcomer.

    • Ever since installing the Spine Runtime in my Unity project, I've had these errors when I try to do a test build. My understanding is this can happen with new packages, and may or may not be caused by my use of Virtual Studio. I've followed the online suggestions I could find, including deleting the VS files and the Library directory. I even tried removing the Projects folder and reinstalling everything. The errors come up every time I try to build. The project runs fine inside of Unity, including the Spine animations I've added so far. Everything is up to date (Unity, Spine, VS)

      Can anybody please clue me in as to what I need to do here?

      Script updater for Library\Bee\artifacts\1900b0aP.dag\spine-unity.dll failed to produce updates.txt file

      Assets\Spine\Runtime\spine-unity\Components\SkeletonMecanim.cs(31,19): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'Animations' does not exist in the namespace 'UnityEditor' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

      Assets\Spine\Runtime\spine-unity\Components\SkeletonRenderer.cs(54,19): error CS0234: The type or namespace name 'SceneManagement' does not exist in the namespace 'UnityEditor' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

      Error building Player because scripts had compiler errors

    • It appears my trouble may have not been my coding skills (although they are weak) but rather with Visual Studio. It was identifying almost everything AnimationState-related as an error. I tripled checked everything, thought maybe I was going crazy, and that everything I've learned about C# was wrong. I finally tried loading my project in a different editor and like magic... no errors. It never occurred to me that Visual Studio might be having problems with the runtime package... I just assumed I was doing something wrong. If the solution is as easy as switching editors... goodbye Visual Studio!

      Thank you for the encouraging words. I'm happy to report that I'm back on track. If I get seriously stuck in the future, I'll check here... and hopefully I'll have a specific question instead of a desperate "Why doesn't anything work?!?" :lol: Cheers

    • Thanks for the reply. I confess I have perused that video and the sample scenes... but not at the same time. I will follow your advice now and work through that video more carefully with the sample scenes open.

    • Sorry, annoying beginner question. I'm loving Spine Pro, and my minimal coding skills have mostly been enough to get the Unity runtime working in my project. I'm still having trouble with a couple things, primarily reading animation events. All user error, I am sure. Unfortunately, the tutorials I've found on the subject are out of date, and the official documentation is pretty dense for those of us starting out.

      I don't expect anyone to hold my hand. I got myself in over my head, and I'll find a way out. But if it doesn't hurt to ask... does anyone know of any decent, up-to-date tutorials or resources for Spine/Unity events, or even just Spine/Unity runtime in general? I've spent long hours online coming up empty handed.

      (Either way, feel free to make fun of the beginner who got in too deep :grinteeth🙂