
  • 3 days ago
  • Joined Oct 4, 2023
  • As a animator on Spine, It would save me hundreds of hours of work if Spine had some sort of Sliders to choose the image I need inside all the images inside of the Slot.

    Thanks... I love SPine is very stable and responsive ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Many Thanks Bot...
    Not sure about this last point:

    "Automated Attachment Switching: You can write custom scripts to switch attachments based on bone rotation or other criteria. For example, you can use a script to change the attachment of a slot based on the rotation of a specific bone."

    -Is there a way to write scripts and make them run on Spine during workflow?
    -Where on SPine do you actually add this piece of code script?

    Many thanks

    • Hell Esoteric team.
      -Is there a way to switch/change images/slots based on a bone constrain?

      My current build has a lot of images that need to be switched to create the illusion of a 3d rotation (head rotation, chest rotation, arm rotation...)... But is a massive exhausting job to be keying all those images all timeline.
      Would be good to setup a bone constrain that control those images/slots than need to be replaced...
      Maybe slider or joysticks also would be good.
      There is a solution for this to avoid going every bone every key and make a change each time?

      Many thanks, and congratulations for your amazing work.

    • I,m also looking for a solution like this discussion...

      To be able to switch or control slots or images based on a bone angle will improve a lot my animation process.

    • None of those solutions worked for me...
      Mac: /Applications/Spine.app/Contents/MacOS/Spine --update 4.1.xx
      Im not sure how to run SPine with this (--update 4.1.xx) updated name

      Mac: <user home folder>/Library/Application Support/Spine/settings/
      I do not have this folders Application Support.

      What worked for me was to go back time machine and restar my mac to latest stage...

      Spine start screen was jumping too fast and did not allowed me to change any version... even I reistall my Spine the same happened... I had the button "start automatically" checked so never had the time to choose version ๐Ÿ™.. not even with a fresh start... Somehow my mac remember this option checked even the Spine is unnistalled...

      The problem I had: I was using the latest beta version Spine 4.2.15 and this weekend somehow desapear...when SPine opens try to reach this version and try latest beta and crash.

      I wont use beta versions and Uncheck "start automatically" on Start screen.

      Thanks for the efford Nate ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope u keep new Spine versions Stable for old macs... I really enjoy phyiscs addons on this program. ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Nate replied to this.
      • Nate
        Hello Thanks for fast reply.

        I,ve trying to change the version but I cannot succeed... As soon as launcher screen appears it closes so have no time to change Spine version...
        Also tried to unistall and install again Spine but same happens...
        Also tried to install Spine Trial version but it closes after launch also.

        Is there a way to force a old Spine version to open before Launch screen?


      • Hello Spine Team.
        From today I cannot open my purchased Spine anymore... It crashes and closes Spine on Laucher screen at start 3 seconds... without even let me change the Spine version...
        I really didn't do any updates or change anything on my laptop... I do not understand why it's not working anymore from yesterday to today.
        Seems that the problem comes with Libraries (libSystem.B.dylib) Everything else on my laptop works fine (photoshop-Unity-Maya....) but not Spine ๐Ÿ™
        I need help, thanks ๐Ÿ™

        Macos High Sierra 10.13.6
        Spine 4.2.15

        I got this error (on Terminal):

      • Wow Amazing! Works perfect! You team are a machine ๐Ÿ™‚

        Works super on Mac 10.13.6 (High Sierra)

        Many thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

      • Hello Misaki.

        I did find the Spine folder in that way thanks... I did the steps you told me (erase folder and start Spine 4.2):
        Spine crashed still... Here I send the Log file:

      • Sorry , I have not any folder called Spine inside of (Application Support) :/ Not sure if Im looking wrong... I,ve looked everywhere.

        Many thanks for your efford... I can imagine is hard to spot the problem.. If I can help of anything let me know. Many Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

        • 1-Do you have any sort of antivirus/firewall programm installed on your Mac? If so, which one and what version?
          Not any antivirus or Firewall.

          2-Can you run other Spine Editor versions, like the latest 4.1?

          Yes I can run 4.1 and others.. but not 4.2.

        • Hello, Thanks... I've tried to follow this steps but Im missing something... Is not really working for me or just I have no idea how it works terminal (not having much experience on it).

          1-When I paste on Terminal "ls -ah" I got This:

          2- And When I paste ( /private/var/folders/sc/4p0kbm4j5l39gm2rf_px9x880000gn/T/.spine/Zoc/libspine-editor64.dylib) I got message (No such file or directory)

          I rally do not know how to act sorry and Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

        • Having the same problem... Spine beta 4.2 Cannot run on Mac 10.13.6 Intel ๐Ÿ™

        • Hello forum...
          I, 'm having strange issues when I export my animations to Unity... Need to know where to find the error but I, 'm quite lost because is not a consistent error.
          For example, I see that Ik constraints are reversed but in certain parts of the body (not all the skeleton) just the arms.
          Also, I see scaling sprites issues (the head is good scaled but the arm is 0.5 the real size... Not sure why is so different the export... Any idea where I should look to solve these errors?
          Many Thanks.
          (The first image is the model in Spine, and the second picture is the same animation model imported into Unity).

          • Hello Spine forum, first time here, but long time on Spine ๐Ÿ˜‰

            I'm working some weeks on an 8-direction character creation that can be fully skin customizable. And I would love to achieve this thing:

            Let's say: I have a face (character Body) that is illustrated in 8 different directions "different sprites" (N-NE-E-SE...) And I apply on the top of the character's face a skin (hemet) which is also illustrated in each 8 directions on different sprites ((N-NE-E-SE...).

            Is there a way to link or attach on (Animation Mode) the current direction of the face (right direction E "east") to the corresponding skin direction needed (helmet East)?
            -I could achieve this if I carefully Key on animation times the needed direction for the skin, but I would love to have this automatically updated, so "when I turn the head direction sprite" on animation I need Spine to automatically turn the helmet direction sprite that corresponds. To save animation times.

            Many Thanks.