+1 for masking. i would really love to be able to make "shinny" buttons and light sweeps over layers without generating huge textures...

- May 26, 2018
- Joined May 30, 2013
- Shiu wrote
Something is on the way to speed thing up. Maybe it will released today
great news! thank you
- Edited
"STEPPED" button is missing now, cant find it anywhere.... bug ? or you changed his placement somewhere ?
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is it possible to make a script for instance that can make new skins just by search a name ? for example:
i have a charater with 3 parts:
yellow_eyei want to make another skin without gonig through the hassle of changing every part and making attachment skin (if i have character with 90 parts its kind of annoying)
i also have a skin png names
pink_eyewith just diffrent perfix.
is it possible to have a script that does this for you ? and make a skin called "pink" by duplicating "yellow" and changing it into pink skin?
or any trick or script that can speed up the workflow of changing skins setup
thanks :mmm: :mmm: :mmm: :hi: :love:
great job Nate! keep up the good work! this feature is exactly what i have always wanted in any 2d animation software
let us know when the feature is up and running
thanks Nate
keep up the great job !!
- Nate wrote
Please don't make topics with all caps titles. I fixed it for you. All topics get read and responded to.
Take a look at the documentation, which is not outdated. Eg, look at the Cheat Sheet.
thanks for the quick replay the caps lock is a bug i have sometimes in textbox in chrome dunno why.
anyway was wondering why SHIFT+PLUS dont work +- work but with shift (the jump 5) dont workany clue ? thanks again
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where can i find the key shortcuts for ordering fast and all that ? the documentation is outdated, and i dont feel like watching tons of video all over again and try to search on the forum ?
can you please make like a list of all the shortcuts ?- Edited
any one has been working on a functional AndEngine support ?
would love to hear any leads and sharingthank you !
- In AndEngine
any news on a fully working andengine spine support ? wishing for this one for a long time.... the one i found in github is missing stuff and looking for some sort of "SANTA.txt" file that is not included in there.... was wondering if someone can get it to work. thanks
also was wondering if changing the root bone location to the middle of the chracter (i have a "ball shaped character) and i want the rotation to be in the middle, why its not updating in the cocos2dx ? when i use the new json file.. is the bone always only on the X 0.0 y 0.0 ? or its possilbe to change it ?
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is it possible programmatic in cocos2dx to interpolate between two set of animation ? for example i have walk cycle and flying cycle, now i want the last keyframe of the walk to interpolate into the first keyframe of the fly so the transition between two animation will be smooth. is it possible by code ? or i have to make another set of animation that only has the transition.. also where can i find info on how to control bones and physics with code (like control the head tilt like in your video sample) or do a ragdoll or something... or eyelid follow and things like that (might be cool if u made a doc or a tutorial on doing those stuff)
enjoy your honeymoon ! :}
you guys are working great! i am very impressed with the activity and response on the forum and how good the actual animation turns out once you export it its working smooth and exactly like in the spine tool.
well deserve every dollar i payed for support !and i will recommend all my friends to purchase your product. very very robust tool (really impressed with how smooth the tool is), hope to see the UX fixes soon
Nate thank you so much for your quick and informative comment! makes me more happy that i supported this project. also i tested my animation on cocos2dx and they seems to work really well ! (didnt do stess test but i have seen u have the leaks bugs no cocos2dx on controll and fixing it)
i didnt really get how i can edit bones, and where is that "bone/image compensation" is. i think u should add a picture sequence that explain it in the documentation, or even a dedicated video of setup mode tweaks (also all the things u talked about here that are not shown in the doc) because there is no possible way someone will magically find it if the keystrokes and process is nothing like other software we might be familiar with.
Pharan wroteI think the "two roots" he's talking about is just the two skeletons you end up with in one project when you import the json data exported from the Photoshop script.
"Import Data..." adds the skeleton from a JSON into your current project. But the skeleton data from the Photoshop script doesn't have the default animation that the New Project/New Skeleton normally has. When you go to Animate mode, you can't move or key anything. I assume this is the behavior you intentionally programmed for when there aren't any animations selected. It's just that it's not immediately obvious because the list of animations is at the bottom of the tree pane.
yep exactly what i mean
and its a shame since i though the PS script wil save me time, but i had to figure out how to delete the extra root and un needed roots, something there was not straight forward for the user.
again, thanks a lot of your response and for listening to the community needs and requests. keep your great work coming