
  • Aug 22, 2013
  • Joined Mar 11, 2013
  • Hi All,

    After many months, we've finally released our app on the apple appstore and google play. Spine has been central to our developement, so we thought we'd share the fruits of our labours with you.

    Visit our landing page to then navigate to the appstore pages or simply watch the video.


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    apple appstore:
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    google play:
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    Silly youtube video:

    All the best and thanks for watching (and downloading, as that's the best way to see it all in action!!).

    Look forward to comments from all...


  • Shiu - gimme the address of the hotel, I'll catch him there 🙂

    No worries, I'll roll back to the prvious version for now and will await future fixes on this.

    Thanks for the info - and hope Nate has had a great break (and many congrats to him!!)


    btw - as per the topic that you refernced. '

    Also restarting Spine or changing the images dir to something else and then back again fixes it.'

    - this fixes the issue (for the open session!)

  • Hello all,

    I had created a little test application in .net that allowed me to replace the source folder contents of the images 'pointed to' in the path for the images folder in my spine project. This was very, very handy as it meant I could see the updates happen inside spine without interaction, when my app replaced these folder images. However, it would now appear in the recent update that this no longer works in this fashion and I have to now additionally click on the 'images->refresh' button in order to see my changes images reflected in my spine project.

    Is there anyway to bring back this very neat functionality as this really allowed me to test my workflow (from my test app) in a very efficient manner. As it stands in this current update to v1.4.17, this lovely auto-image refresh seems to have been removed. Any chance of adding it as an option if it is/was something that wasn't desirable as an 'always on' feature.


  • regarding the event timeline feature (sorry to hijack the thread), will this allow the following:

    1. Callback functions to be attached to any given 'frame' timeslot on the timeline
    2. Objects to be dynamically attached to the timeline at runtime depending on their state

    I ask this (as a non runtime developer) as our devs have been experiencing issues with the corona runtime.

    Basically, they are trying to determine a way to attach events that are fired dynamically on the timeline (like collision detection for example). They are also trying to find a solution to an issue where they are running a set of parallax scenes in sequence, along with a character 'walking' this scene. They would like to be able to freeze the action for all combined sequences at a given hitpoint on the timeline. I had suggested, in my ignorance, that they could place an object at some point on the timeline and when the character collided with it, the action would pause. What would be the recommended solution to this issue of syncing up known stop and start points on the timeline (i.e. raising events), as well as being able to interact with randomly inserted hitpoints that we would want our character to stop/pause on??

    I know this may sound like a ramble, but I am going from a techie description given to me by the devs of the issue and trying to filter it via my non 2d dev brain.

    Thanks in advance

  • thanks -look fwd to GUI version soon then 🙂

    actually, it would be a VERY useful addition to the xml (related to the animation), to have a property on the timeline that indicated that (e.g at 00:00:02:23) the skeleton flipped x|y. This way, I could design inside the GUI and use the dopesheet to insert an 'event' that flipped the orientation of the animation until flipped back (or indeed had a duration to the inserted event).

    I hope I'm clear in what I'm expressing here!?

  • thanks nate i thought that was how it worked -perfect (again)


    btw - is it possible to test this out inside the GUI when creating an animation, or is this api runtime process only??

  • hey quick question from a novice!! does this 'flipping' mean that i can take my skeleton with it's images and in effect have all the components mirrored to give the appearance that it's now facing in the opposite direction??

    to give an example of how i'd love to use this. I have a character walking left-> right, they then encounter a collision object. On encountering this, they about turn. This then has the character facing right->left. I could then take this new flippeed position and either make the character walk in the opposite direction OR walk backwards.

    Is my understanding correct??


  • Hi Nate,

    I think I suddenly get what's maybe happening under the covers. IF I save a json file, it's using the current attached images to determine the x,y width/height. Therefore, when I change the image folder in the GUI, this process is automatically run against the new images and displays fine inside the said GUI. Therefore, my one shot json, saved against an arbitary image folder, is ONLY good for that set of images. Therefore, a 2nd save of the json would produce different results for the json, after changing the image folder -am I Correct??

    If so, this will explain the problem. Also, this leads me to ask a further question, 'what is the best way to achieve dynamic image swapping whereby some fragements are replaced and others remain with the previous selection' (so in my scenario, I may select a suit to dress the character, but will want to change the torso section to a tshirt, by replacing only the torso, and torso-arms-* sections). This is the crux of our current dilemma.

    As ever, hope you can..


  • Hi Nate,

    Thanks for the reply. Funnily enough, quite a few of the alignments are exactly as you describe, therefore, may be an issue. I have however, taken the liberty of emailing you the zip file of the basic project and two typical example folders of images. Hopefully, you'll see the problem 1st hand and be able to impart further advice if required.

    Once again, thanks for your time and effort, both in terms of development and the extra mile you go in your support duties.

    All the best

  • Hey Nate,

    As ever, thanks for a real productivity boosting tool, loving it most of the time.

    Ok, here's the issue (in laypersons terms). We have created a spine project that is fairly similar to the SpineBoy project using our own ragdoll. Having defined all the slots and attachments, we discovered that some of our images required edits in order for them to sit on the bone as planned. This varied between folder sets of images but once done, the different sized images all sit perfectly on the bones when flipping the images folder. So far so good and exactly as we'd hoped.

    However, on exporting the spine json for use in coronasdk, we are finding that the images are not being placed onto the bones (position wise) as they had been inside the GUI editor. We are seeing some torso sections floating into the head section and upper arm sections floating out to the side of the body. Now, I completely understand how this could happen due to the images being different dimensions. However, the fact that they worked inside the GUI, led me to believe that the behaviour would follow when we used the exported json inside corona and changed the images on the slots as required.

    Is there some magical property setting that the developer needs to set in order for the images to work in the same way as they do in the GUI?? We don't want to go down the road of mapping different image sizes to the spine json on an adhoc basis, as we literally have 100's of images to work with.

    I hope I have explained our predicament clearly and equally hope these is a 'one liner' to solve our woes.

    Thanks again for making animation interesting again.

    All the best