@ECG_Kinsey Unfortunately machine translation of your text was somewhat ambiguous. Are you asking whether loading this skeleton leads to long load times due to a lot of atlas texture pages (many textures)? Or are you concerned about a lot of bones, constraints, and so on leading to a larger skeleton.skel.bytes
file to be loaded?
Regarding atlas textures, you could use on-demand loading of only the currently needed atlas textures. We provide experimental UPM extension packages as described in this issue ticket:
Otherwise whenever the skeleton is loaded by a scene, all atlas textures would all be loaded as well since the atlas textures are referenced by the materials, which are referenced by the AtlasAsset, which is referenced by the SkeletonDataAsset.
Regarding loading additional skin bones and skin constraints: this will add a bit of an overhead, however it should not matter much compared to loaded atlas texture size.